Control System Assurance

Control System Assurance services can assist clients in identifying, developing and testing internal control systems, policies and procedures within the business process environment. Reliance on technology can expose organisations to additional risks and challenges. To address these risks, information systems should be monitored and controlled to ensure that complete, accurate and valid data is input and processed, as well as results being correctly reported in a timely fashion.

Control System Assurance is designed to:

  • Identify and assess enterprise technology structures, internal control systems and policies.
  • Analyse and report if risk management procedures and business processes are being practised as designed.
  • Implement checks for business processes, IT applications and their underlying systems.

with the additional scope to:

  • Perform risk analysis to identify key risk areas.
  • Identify the key business activities and related control activities designed to address the risks identified.
  • Test the design and the operational effectiveness of the controls (to ensure the integrity, protection and availability of information).
  • Conduct risk analysis of the control environment to enhance its design.

Control System Assurance services are provided in line with world standards, including the audit of financial system applications.